
The MarkerCollection object provides methods to manage Marker instances on the associated Level. The API is accessed via the Level.markers() method on a Level instance.

You can also view a code example on

map.on("ready", function() {
  // Create a MarkerCollection instance via `level.markers()`, which can only be
  // called once a unit map has loaded. In this example, we add a marker to the
  // map's last level.

  var markers = map.levels().last().markers();  
  var myMarker = markers.add({
    id: "my-marker",
    translate: [200, 200],
    cursor: "pointer",
    draggable: false,
    size: [64, 64],
    icon: {
      url: "",
      size: [512, 512],
      // Set the anchor point to bottom center of the icon.
      anchor: [256, 512],
    hitarea: null,


Adds a Marker instance to the Level. The marker object is defined below.

Marker Object

KeyRequiredTypeDefault ValueDescription
iconYesObjectundefinedThe marker's icon.

See Marker.icon() for further details and usage examples.
idNoStringundefinedAn identifier for the marker instance.
Example: 1 or my-marker.
translateNoArray[0, 0]The marker's initial position in map space. Example: [20, 20].
sizeNoArrayundefinedThe marker's initial size in map space: Example: [200, 150].

When no value is provided, the size will be set based on the icon size.
draggableNoBooleanfalseDetermines whether or not the marker can be dragged by the user.
Example: false.
hitareaNoObjectundefinedDefines the interactive region of the marker.

When no value is provided, the icon size will determine this region.

See Marker.hitarea() for further details and usage examples.


The created Marker instance.


Removes all Marker instances from the Level.


Removing a single marker

To remove a single marker, call the remove() method on a given Marker instance.


The object chain.

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