The MarkerCollection object provides methods to manage Marker instances on the associated Level. The API is accessed via the Level.markers() method on a Level instance.
You can also view a code example on
map.on("ready", function() {
// Create a MarkerCollection instance via `level.markers()`, which can only be
// called once a unit map has loaded. In this example, we add a marker to the
// map's last level.
var markers = map.levels().last().markers();
var myMarker = markers.add({
id: "my-marker",
translate: [200, 200],
cursor: "pointer",
draggable: false,
size: [64, 64],
icon: {
url: "",
size: [512, 512],
// Set the anchor point to bottom center of the icon.
anchor: [256, 512],
hitarea: null,
Adds a Marker instance to the Level. The marker object is defined below.
Marker Object
Key | Required | Type | Default Value | Description |
icon | Yes | Object | undefined | The marker's icon. See Marker.icon() for further details and usage examples. |
id | No | String | undefined | An identifier for the marker instance. Example: 1 or my-marker . |
translate | No | Array | [0, 0] | The marker's initial position in map space. Example: [20, 20] . |
size | No | Array | undefined | The marker's initial size in map space: Example: [200, 150] .When no value is provided, the size will be set based on the icon size. |
draggable | No | Boolean | false | Determines whether or not the marker can be dragged by the user. Example: false . |
hitarea | No | Object | undefined | Defines the interactive region of the marker. When no value is provided, the icon size will determine this region.See Marker.hitarea() for further details and usage examples. |
The created Marker instance.
Removes all Marker instances from the Level.
Removing a single marker
To remove a single marker, call the
method on a given Marker instance.
The object chain.
Updated about 4 years ago
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