Integration FAQ
How do I identify the unique Unit Map unit IDs and match them to our data?
The easiest way to match units with the unique unit IDs is using the list unit references request. Querying it returns the units in Unit Map and their respective property management system IDs. Use the PMS IDs to correlate the Unit Map IDs to your data. We will collaborate with you to obtain the PMS IDs.
When onboarding new properties, how do they get associated with my API credentials?
Any time a new map is requested, our map distribution team links the asset to the requested API app. When a new asset is added to your consumer app, a distribution email notification is sent to your onboarding team or similar designated role. We recommend providing a group distribution email for receiving these notifications.
See Map Requests for more information.
How do I identify the Unit Map ID for a specific property?
The Unit Map® REST API allows you to query all the Unit Maps and individual units linked to your API Key at the list unit maps and list units requests.
The Unit Map® REST API offers multiple options to query data segmented by community and property at the list assets request.
How do I know which Unit Map to select when there is more than one?
If there is more than one Unit Map for an asset, it's up to you and your customer to choose which map works best for the use case.
The Unit Map Styles are defined by the Asset View type (floor plate, stack, oblique or elevation), the map's Design Characteristics, the Background type and the Geoaccuracy. A Unit Map can have a vector background where exterior elements are included in the Unit Map file, or a raster background which is where an image is uploaded separately.
See Unit Map Styles for more information.
Is there a way to query all of the Unit Map assets linked to our API Key?
Find your map IDs and any other map added to your account using the list maps request. Doing so can automate the onboarding process. You may also contact [email protected] with any questions about map requests.
What does an ‘access denied' response mean?
A 403 — ‘access denied’ — response means the requested ID is not accessible. Ensure you are using the correct ID provided to you with the correct request. For example, ensure you are using the Unit Map ID, not the Asset ID, when using list maps . If you continue to receive an ‘access denied’ response, reach out to [email protected]. An explanation of each response can also be seen in each request’s documentation; see the example below:
Do I need an API key for every client?
No, one Development API Key and one Production API Key are provided for each Unit Map Consumer account. Each partner’s API Key is granted access to the assets and Unit Maps they request.
Is there a way to look at different pages or query more units than what is programmed?
How do I find a resource I was told is available but cannot find in the response?
The API returns 100 - 1,000 results by default. You can use the query parameters detailed in each request’s documentation to change the number of results per page or query different pages. Most requests will return up to 2,500 resources per page; unit references can return up to 10,000. The beginning of each response lists the paging and results information; see the example below:
"paging": {
"per_page": 1000,
"current_page": 1,
"prev_url": null,
"next_url": null
Updated over 1 year ago